Term Loan

Loan Details

Loan Limit:

  • Small Enterprises: Maximum Rs.25 (twenty five) million from single Bank/DFI or from all Banks/DFIs.
  • Medium Enterprises: Maximum Rs 200 (two hundred) million, including leased assets, from single Bank/DFI or from all Banks/DFIs.


  • Short term / Long Term (maximum up to 5 years)


  • Mortgage of property with 25% margin.
  • 1st charge on Fixed Assets of the Company with 25% margin / cash / near cash collateral
  • Personal Guarantee of the proprietor / partners / directors of the Company
  • Personal Guarantee of the Owner of the Property

Documents Required:

  1. Loan Application Form
  2. Basic Borrower Fact Sheet for Small / Medium Enterprises (SE / ME)
  3. Detailed profile of the Business
  4. Profile of the Sole Proprietor / Partners / Directors
  5. Projected Financials (Cash flows, Balance Sheet, Income Statement) equal to tenor of loan
  6. Exiting Financials for last 3 years (Cash flows, Balance Sheet, Income Statement) as follows:
    1. In case of Small Enterprises & loan amount upto Rs. 15M: Financials signed by the borrower.
    2. In case of Small Enterprises & loan amount above Rs. 15M: Financials audited by practicing Chartered Accountant or practicing Cost & Management Accountant.
    3. In case of Medium Enterprises who is a limited company & loan amount above Rs. 10M: Financials audited by practicing Chartered Accountant.
    4. In case of Medium Enterprises who is other than a public company or a private company which is a subsidiary of a public company & loan amount up to Rs. 10M: Financials audited by practicing Cost & Management Accountant.
  7. Details of the Collateral / Property
  8. Valuation Report (from PBA approved valuator) of the Property, Plant & Machinery
  9. CNIC of the Applicant
  10. One passport size photograph of the applicant
  11. In case of Private / Public Limited Company:
    1. Memorandum & Articles of Association
    2. Latest Form A
    3. Latest Form 29
    4. Certificate of Incorporation
    5. Latest Search Report
    6. Income Tax Registration Certificate
  12. In case of Partnership:
    1. Partnership Deed
    2. CNIC copy of all the partners
